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Parvez Mahbub World

Build Climber and Train Stopper

My name is parvez Mahbub and I am one of the bright students of class sixth studying at RMS International School. I am the class monitor of sixth standard and favorite to all my teachers. My interest lies more in singing .


Dream Big

Become a Web Developer

Web developers are at the forefront of the Internet age. The websites we browse, the gifts we order and the news we peruse online are all made possible by the web developers who design, build .



Full stack Developer

2022-Present | pro Level Developer

A Full-Stack developer is a professional responsible for working on both front-end and back-end development processes. They design, develop, and maintain fully-fledged and functioning platforms with databases or servers. These servers do not need other third-party applications to build an entire system from scratch.

Baby Web Developer

2022-2024 | programming Hero Learner

In this course, you’ll learn all about becoming a web developer, from the responsibilities that a web developer performs on a day-to-day basis to the set of skills that you’d need to succeed in such a role.